booking details -

booking details -

  • A minimum of 2 weeks is required to book any private event

  • A 50% deposit is required to confirm your booking with a signed contract

Our Services

Bookings include:

Full pop-up airbrush tattoo shop

Our most popular tattoo stencil menu

Your guest's choice of size, color, and design

Two Bloom Artistry airbrush artists


Our most popular tattoo stencil menu is included in your booking!

Do you want a custom menu to match your event theme?

Custom menus start at $25

*these are picked from our very large selection of stencils


Decide the amount of time you want for your party! Each includes 2 artists, ranging 20 or more tattoos per hour.

2 hours unlimited


3 hours unlimited


5 hours unlimited


Inquire about our Special Seasonal rate packages (:

Misc ADD- ON

30 mins $80

1 hour $160


Airbrush Tattoos